
Tables Part 7: Good-looking, well-behaved table formatting made easy …


If you’ve been reading the last few posts on tables, you may have noticed that the screenshots all had tables with formatting applied to the entire table. You may have thought I spent lots of time manually formatting the tables to look nice for this blog but in fact I hardly lifted a finger – I was using a brand new table feature in Excel 12 called “table styles” which made it possible to add formatting with one click. Table styles is a feature that provides a way to quickly format my entire table using a preset style definition. It is similar in concept to the AutoFormat feature Excel had in the past, with a couple key differences:


Before Filter


… and I filter out all even-numbered rows, here is what my table will look like after I filer it:


After Filter


Table styles have several different options that can be turned on and off, and all of them have similar intelligent behaviors. For example, a table style might define that the first column should always appear a certain way. If the “first column” option is enabled, then Excel will always make sure the first column is formatted appropriately no matter which column is in the first position. You can see the other table style options in the screenshot below – header and total rows, first and last columns, and banding on either rows or columns. You can toggle these on and off for each table style.


One question we hear a lot when we are showing off table styles is how it relates to “direct” (user-applied) formatting and conditional formatting. If a table style is applied, you are still free to format your table using either conditional or direct formatting. Formatting that you directly apply to a table will always appear “above” formatting that is defined by a table style, and conditional formatting will always appear “above” direct, or user-applied formatting (bold for example).


Finally, I want to briefly cover the elements of a table style and the UI to create your own. When creating a table style, you can specify formatting for the following elements (all are optional, and there is an order of precedence, so, for example, header row formatting shows up “above” whole table formatting):


• Whole table (突出)整个列表

• First row stripe 第一行底纹

• Second row stripe 第二行底纹

• First column stripe 第一列底纹

• Second column stripe 第二列底纹

• Header row 标题行

• Total row 汇总行

• First column (突出)第一列

• First header cell (突出)第一个标题单元格

• First total cell (突出)第一个汇总单元格

• Last column (突出)最后一列

• Last header cell (突出)最后一个标题单元格

• Last total cell (突出)最后一个汇总单元格

The dialog that you use also lets you name the style, see a preview, and set the “Stripe Size” for bands (UI still being finalized).


Note that part of what the "options" I describe above does is simply turn on or off formatting of these elements – for example, if you turn off the "First Row" check box, Excel 12 will not show any of the first column/first header cell/first total cell formatting. (Some of you may have been noticed the table has a gradient fill. That’s another new formatting capability in Excel 12.)

我在上面描述的部分选项只需简单地开启或关闭这些参数格式——例如,如果关闭“突出第一行”复选框,Excel 12不会突出显示任何的第一列格式/第一个标题单元格格式/第一个汇总单元格格式。(你可能注意到表格有一个渐变填充,这是在Excel 12中的一个新的格式功能)

That wraps up tables for now.


office办公软件入门基础教程 » 精美实用的Excel列表格式,唾手可得


